This study sought to compare the relationship between analgesic effectiveness and patient satisfaction with analgesia in women who delivered vaginally using nitrous oxide, neuraxial analgesia (epidural or combined spinal-epidural CSE), or both (neuraxial after a trial of nitrous oxide). “Patients who received nitrous oxide alone were as likely to express satisfaction with anesthesia care” as those who received neuraxial analgesia, even though they were less likely to report excellent analgesia. Although pain relief contributes to the satisfaction with labor analgesia care, our results suggest that analgesia is not the only contributor to maternal satisfaction.” Read the full study here. Study by Michael G. Richardson, MD, Brandon M. Lopez. MD, Curtis L. Baysinger, MD, Matthew S. Shotwell, PhD., and David H. Chestnut, MD from the department of Anesthesiology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN.